Head Shots
Professional Head Shots & Theatrical Head Shots [From $150.00]
Whether you're trying to make a sale, or sell yourself to a casting director, your professional head shot is often the first impression you'll ever make.
So, make it a good one!
Your professional head shot is more than just a photo of what you look like — it should offer the viewer a glimpse of who you are and what it might be like to work with you. Scott has a real knack for putting his subjects at ease and coaxing flashes of their personality into their photographs.
Our Marlboro St. studio is specifically designed for head shots — Studio Head Shot sessions typically take 20-30 minutes, so we'll have you in-and-out with a minimal disruption to your work day's schedule.
Studio Head Shot - 1-2 photos - $150.00*
On-Location Head Shot - 1-2 photos - $275* (plus travel if beyond Cheshire Co., NH)
“Profile Package” - 10-15 photos shot in studio ~ or ~ on location - $500 (plus travel if beyond Cheshire Co., NH)
* additional photos $50 each.